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What Is Cartography?

What Is Cartography?

Christopher Pickett
August 20, 2023

According to oxford dictionary, cartography is.

“​The art or process of drawing or making maps.”

Cartography is a fundamental way of building a direction of your surroundings.


Historical History

Cartography is derived from the word carte which means map in French. Over the centuries the practice of making maps has been done all by hand using manual instruments to survey and measure the land to create accurate depictions of the earth on a 2D surface. This practice was a craft that only a few had the skills for, so there were only a handful of cartographers in the era before modern day technology.


Post Modern Renaissance

The practice of cartography has been slow built over centuries but recently has seen a renaissance with GIS technology. Ever since the invention of the personal computer, never have we seen so many maps generated. The rise of software such as QGIS or ArcGIS has made it even easier for someone to become a modern cartographer.


Future Technology

New technologies have been developed such as satellites and LiDAR have revolutionized the idea of being a cartographer. Countless innovations have been developed over the years to revolutionize the idea of cartography. GIS is more than just vector shapes of data; it also involves rasters generated by both airborne and satellites in the sky. This aids in the increasing accuracy of modern-day cartography and will ensure the location on a map is as accurate as possible.



Cartography is often referred to as GIS today or Geographic Information Systems. GIS has centered itself in a variety of fields, including navigation, geology, and environmental science. Maps are still one of the most important tools for understanding & navigating the world and continue to evolve as new technologies are developed.

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